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ARK values challenges,

Creating an environment where each individual can easily demonstrate their abilities


ARK work style

We have a high degree of freedom compared to a regular company. About 90% of the total work is done remotely and can also be done work from home. Still, there are members who come to the office and work at their own discretion.


However, while the degree of freedom is high, it is difficult to communicate within the company when participating in each project and working full-time daily. I think that is a challenge. At ARK, we have a web conference every half year after the general meeting, where we can share our recent progress and current sales achievements. Even in business meetings, we have adopted a system to include 15 minutes of chatting time at the end of the session. Also, we have a YouTube channel called ARK TV, and employees on a voluntary basis can choose to participate in. In the channel, we introduce what the employees are working on and share information that is useful for the business that employees think about.


What are your criteria for considering the introduction of a flexible system?

Institutional design is only a means to realize the vision. We have incorporated our vision of solving client and social issues with technology and consulting skills into our latest five-year plan. We have set a goal of achieving annual sales of 1.3 billion in the main SAP business. The consulting business will be a business model that can increase sales by increasing the number of members participating in ARK and improving their skills. We believe that strengthening recruitment and strengthening each person's skill set is a shortcut to achieving sales targets. For that reason, we will prioritize systems related to achieving sales targets and increase them in the future.

In the future, the axis of relevance to sales targets will be important, but since I am also engaged in project work while managing the company, I am also considering the axes of ease of implementation and cost-effectiveness while developing the necessary systems based on what is necessary to achieve the company's goals, which are the criteria for decision making.

What kind of person is ARK suitable for?

Someone who wants to try new things. I feel that if you accumulate experience in the firm, you will be able to experience a series of projects in a certain number of years. Of course, every time the project changes, the client and work area change, so there are different discoveries to be made, but I believe that to way to approach work stays basically the same. Under such circumstances, ARK was founded with the desire to launch our own business and do something completely different. I think it is a perfect environment for those who want to take some of the risks and take on challenges with other similar minded members. In fact, people who are interested in new businesses with a view to global expansion have applied for jobs at our company. Also, since the organization is in a growth stage, I plan to entrust various business areas to both veterans and young employees. Also, since the organization is expanding, I think that there are many opportunities, such as getting an executive position relatively early, which is an appealing point unique to the early stage of the company's founding.







F.L -2.jpg

F.L|Senior Consultant


Y.W|Senior Consultant


​Application Guidelines


Desired Figure


Member Interview

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